The enduring affection for Selina Noble, elementary music teacher

The Ridge choir album was funded by the school’s parent-teacher club.

After flipping through a stack of vinyl LPs in my basement recently, I posted, on Facebook, a photo of the jacket from an album recorded at the elementary school I attended. It was released in Leamington, Ont., in 1967 and was titled Ridge School Choir Sings a Centennial Souvenir. It consisted of a dozen tracks — largely a roundup of pieces the choir had performed at recent music festivals.

The post got dozens of responses. Many former pupils remembered recording the album; a few commenters mentioned the cursive writing with which pupils had autographed its cover. But the predominant theme among those who replied was an enduring affection for our itinerant music teacher, Selina Noble (Selina rhymes with “China”). The tributes flowed not only from former pupils at Ridge — the same held true for those who had attended other Essex County schools at which she’s taught, such as Gosfield South (now Jack Miner), Inman, Mt. Carmel, Olinda, Ruthven and Union.

Mary Newland, a Grade 6 pupil at the time of the recording, went on to make singing her career, much of it in recording studios in Los Angeles and on stages around the world. She continues to perform alongside composer, producer, keyboardist and husband Richard Baker.

“I credit Mrs. Noble with being the first person to tell me I could sing, the first one to give me the opportunity and I honestly don’t know that I’d have pursued it had she not done so,” Mary wrote. “To have her influence and guidance, teaching us to sight read and inspire us to do so well at music festivals was, for me, the highlight of my elementary school years.”

G. Roy Fenwick’s sight-singing books were used in schools at which Selina Noble taught.

Janice Founk (née Driedger), who attended Gosfield South Area Public School, wrote that “most of my fond memories were of marching up and down the rows to the beat as she played a very impressive march on the piano. (I always wanted to play like her!) I also can picture the grey hardcover sight-reading books. Who teaches that anymore? And her writing the do-re-mi scale on the board. She would then use her wooden pointer to have us sing do-la-ti-so-la … up and down the scale. What a good tone-matching exercise! But truly memorable for me was her purple hair, big fancy jewelry and bright red lipstick — and perfume!!”

Norma Selina Hutchins was born on Dec. 1, 1901, in Colchester, Ont.; her birth registered in nearby Essex. She was the descendant of a family that had emigrated to the United States from Dorchester, England, in the mid-1700s. When the American Revolutionary War arrived, her family sided with the British and came to Upper Canada as United Empire Loyalists.

Selina married Orvel Noble and the couple had one son, Donald, in 1925. The 1931 Dominion of Canada census shows that Orvel was a farmer, while Selina was listed as a homemaker. They were members of the United Church of Canada in Olinda, Ont., where Selina served as a pianist for the Sunday School children and a substitute organist for the congregation.

More than a decade passed, then hardship struck. Sometime around 1947, Orvel contracted polio. Although he retained the use of his limbs, the disease robbed him of his ability to breathe normally. Farm work became too onerous. He managed, however, to hold down a job as the janitor at Olinda Public School. With Orvel’s health in question and son Donald grown, Selina decided she’d need to join the workforce. Her musical training and experience with teaching Sunday School children were the skills she would parlay into a job as an itinerant music teacher at various elementary schools in Gosfield and Mersea townships — each school, at that time, governed by its own board of trustees.

Selina Noble plays the piano during the Olinda Public School Christmas concert in either 1958 or 1959. Photo courtesy of Greg Noble

At some point in the late 1940s or early 1950s (ArtsBeat is still searching), Selina opted to attend teachers college in Toronto (teacher certification wasn’t absolutely necessary as a condition of her employment in 1948, sources say). It was likely there that she became personally acquainted with G. Roy Fenwick, who had been appointed Ontario’s first director of music — the first such position in Canada — in 1935. Fenwick became a powerful influence on Selina Noble throughout her career, first as her professor, then as author and editor of the High Road of Song music textbooks, widely used in Ontario elementary schools, and then as adjudicator at some of the festivals to which Mrs. Noble brought her school choirs. Dr. Fenwick, in fact, visited Mrs. Noble and Ridge Public School during the recording of the commemorative Centennial album, in late 1966. The following year, CBC Radio broadcast a selection by the Ridge choir as part of a series called Ontario Sings, hosted by Lloyd Queen.

The New High Road of Song books were used widely throughout Ontario elementary schools during the 1960s. They were edited by G. Roy Fenwick, Hollis Dann and Robert Foresman.

Susie Knight, co-owner of Hair Traffic and Skin Sense on Leamington’s Talbot Street, is Selina Noble’s niece. She remembers her aunt from family reunions and other functions as being serious, even sometimes stern. “I don’t think my aunt liked me,” she says. “She called me a flibbertigibbet…. Aunt Lina was kind of gruff, but obviously she was a lovable person to her students. As they say, ‘If you don’t reach for the stars, you don’t get anywhere near them.'”

In that regard, Susie says, her Aunt Lina was very much like Helen Law, another talented musician and choral conductor who founded the Leamington Choral Society in 1960. Neither Noble nor Law tolerated flippancy or mischief; they were focused on the pursuit of excellence. “The things Helen Law taught me stayed with me,” Knight recalls.

From The Windsor Star, Saturday, March 21, 1959

Greg Noble, born in 1951, was fortunate enough to be taught music by his grandmother during all eight of his elementary school years — four at Olinda and four at Ruthven. He recalls that his Grandma would insist that their relationship inside the classroom be strictly one of teacher and student. “When she’d come to school, the students would say, ‘Good morning, Mrs. Noble.’ I’d say, ‘Good morning, Grandma.’ She didn’t like that. She taught thousands of students. They all liked her — most of them, anyway.”

Michelle Stockwell was a Grade 8 pupil at Ridge school during the recording of the centennial album. On Dec. 14, 1966, she wrote a testimonial to the love of music her teacher had instilled in her. “We like to sing to make people happy and to please Mrs. Noble. She is the only music director I know who can sweet-talk a group of normal children into singing like a host of celestials. This is good, because when you’re finished there is still a warm glow of pride left.”

Michelle Stockwell, a Grade 8 pupil at Ridge School in December 1966, wrote a four-page essay about the accomplishments of the Ridge choir. It was sent to G. Roy Fenwick.

In her essay, 12-year-old Michelle went on to describe the experience of winning first place at the local music festival and of a visit by Dr. Fenwick to Ridge school. “He listened to our choir and made favourable comments,” she wrote. “He stayed for lunch and then listened to the juniors sing. In one [class]room, there still remains a yellow and pink star at the top corner of the blackboard, a memento of his visit.”

Michelle recalled a performance by the Ridge school senior choir at Windsor Teachers College in May of that year. (“We would be the first public school ever to attempt such a thing,” she wrote.) The musical selections were Lonesome Valley, Hush Thee My Little One and The Ash Grove. She concluded her essay with, “Although I won’t be here next year, I hope the Ridge children will carry on what has been going on for as long as I can remember. Music!!!”

Michelle Stockwell received a kind reply from G. Roy Fenwick in response to her letter in late 1966.

Orvel Noble died in mid-August 1966. Here again, Selina’s professionalism became evident. While we were recording the Ridge School Centennial souvenir album and rehearsing the 1966 Christmas pageant, telling the story of the Nativity from Joseph’s point of view, few of us had any idea that, just months earlier, Selina had buried her husband. Donald Noble predeceased his mother when he died of a rare tropical illness at Victoria Hospital in London, Ont., in 1985.

Selina Noble relaxes at home at age 87. During her final years, she lived at the Leamington Mennonite Home on Pickwick Drive. Photo courtesy of Greg Noble.

Throughout the 1950s and ’60s, music festival results published in both the Leamington Post and the Windsor Star frequently made mention of the accomplishments of Mrs. Noble’s students and choirs. Selina Noble was 68 when, in June 1970, the Essex County Board of Education honoured her for 22 years of teaching. She died in 1995.

The following are the tracks contained on Ridge School Choir Sings a Centennial Souvenir. The vinyl LP contains no information about the musical selections, such as publisher, year of publication, type of arrangement, etc., so properly crediting and licensing them here would seem impossible.

Introduction by Mrs. Selina Noble

Canada (Proudly We Hail Thee)

Men of Harlech

Fair Are the Meadows

My Lord, What a Mornin’

Vesper Hymn

Jacob’s Ladder

Canada, My Home

O Come, Be Glad and Sing

Mary Sang Softly

O Lord, I’m Tired

The Lord’s My Shepherd

Lonesome Valley

Selina Noble left much of her collection of music and musical instruments to Leamington-area resident Don Sayers.

Thanks to Greg Noble, Don Sayers, Ida Smith, Deanna Reid, Jo-Anne Jaynes, Olav Kitchen, Michelle Stockwell, Western University Libraries’ educational disciplinary coordinator Bruce Fyfe, and Windsor Public Library local history librarian Tom Vajdik for their help in researching this post.

Review: Clue’s set designer, director and butler bring down the house

Clue, the Parker Brothers board game many of us played as children, featured an array of sensory stimulations: a colourful game board with alluring rooms, a deck of beautifully illustrated cards, a set of tiny weapons, meticulously sculpted. But it was light on story and background. The “case file” said only that “this evening, Samuel Black was found murdered in the mansion! Detectives found six suspects and six weapons in the mansion’s nine rooms, but couldn’t solve the case. So now it’s up to you to solve the murder.” There were 324 possible outcomes, which has probably contributed to the game’s longstanding popularity.

Jonathan Lynn, author of the screenplay for the 1985 film, and Sandy Rustin, who wrote the script on which the current Grand Theatre/Royal Manitoba Theatre Centre production is based, dreamt up a more nefarious context. Their setting is Boddy Manor, “a mansion of epic proportions and terrifying secrets,” not far from Washington, D.C. The time: 1954, at the height of McCarthyism, congressional hearings on un-American activities, the Red Scare and blacklisting.

At the heart of Rustin’s script are the characters we remember from the game. Now, however, all have been bestowed with shady backgrounds, wacky personalities and amusing quirks. Miss Scarlet is the eccentric, calculating D.C. madam with a client list the length of a staircase. Mrs. Peacock is the eccentric, highly strung spouse of a Capitol Hill senator. Mrs. White is a pale, gloomy socialite, dressed mostly in black, whose five ex-husbands have all died under mysterious circumstances. Colonel Mustard is a pompous yet daft military man, unaccustomed the nuances of language in polite society. Professor Plum is an arrogant, egotistical academic whose self-esteem knows no limits. Mr. Green is an accident-prone Nervous Nellie with a strong preference for following rules. They’ve all been invited to the Boddy Manor on a dark and stormy night — and they’re all hiding dark secrets. Mayhem ensues. Murders pile up.

Mr. Boddy (Alex Furber) relishes the company of his guests: Colonel Mustard (Beau Dixon) with a wrench, Professor Plum (Derek Scott) with a revolver, Mr. Green (Toby Hughes) with a lead pipe, Mrs. Peacock (Sharon Bajer) with a dagger, Mrs. White (Petrina Bromley) with a rope, and Miss Scarlet (Reena Jolly) with a candlestick. Photo by Morris Lamont

Wadsworth, the mansion’s butler, plays a central role in executing the night’s activities and propelling the action, scene to scene. He supervises Yvette, the French maid, as well as the brusque and bad-tempered Cook. Mr. Boddy, the film noir-ish owner of the mansion, makes an appearance and, as the action builds to a furious pace, a Chief of Police, a pair of cops, a stranded motorist and a singing telegram girl darken the manor’s door.

The result is 90 minutes of uproarious camp, interspersed with palpable tension, as the well-practised cast (they performed this show nearly 20 times in Winnipeg last fall) take turns alternately firing one-liners in rat-a-tat fashion, then milking their lines for maximum effect. Sometimes the laughs come so hard and fast that they trample onto the next witticism, forcing us into a mental reset by abandoning the last joke in favour of the new one, as we hope to simply keep up, but the pacing is generally spot on.

Apart from the fine performances of the manor’s guests, there are two overriding reasons to see this production. The first is the performance of Jesse Gervais, familiar to Grand Theatre patrons for his role as Ambrose Small in the 2022 production of Grand Ghosts. Here, as Wadsworth, Gervais rifles through a skillset that produces clear, dark lines dripping with sardonic wit, sight gags that surprise, and other forms of physical comedy that bleed every drop of mirth from a delightfully exhausted audience. Near the end of the show, as he breaks through the fourth wall, we’re in stitches, wondering how much longer he can keep up the ruse — and his energy.

Jesse Gervais plays Wadsworth, the butler, in the current Grand Theatre production of Clue. Photo by Morris Lamont

The other reason is Brian Perchaluk’s set. While Rustin’s script calls for Clue’s various rooms to “easily pull out/appear in surprising ways,” Perchaluk’s set is a feat of theatrical and mechanical engineering. The two-and-a-half storey facade elicits delight and wonderment the moment the curtain rises, then enhances the characters’ movements through the mansion by rotating its rooms into view — 30 times in 90 minutes. If, in many of Woody Allen’s films, New York City is so prominent as to become a character unto itself, so too does Boddy Manor in Perchaluk’s hands.

Wadsworth (Jesse Gervais) and Mrs. White (Petrina Bromley) search for clues in the second-storey conservatory of Brian Perchaluk’s breathtaking set. Photo by Morris Lamont

Director Dennis Garnhum reveals a deft hand with Rustin’s script, successfully managing the players through their paces across the extraordinary set, while changing a few lines here and there (even the show’s final line is different — and in my view, improved — from the playwright’s original).

This production of Clue is Garnhum’s parting gift to the Grand and to the city. He programmed the play for the current season as one of the final tasks of his seven-year tenure as the theatre’s artistic director. He led the Grand through the darkest days of the pandemic (writing a book titled Toward Beauty in the process). Leave it to a seasoned showman such as Garnhum, now relocated with his family to Toronto, to go out with a flourish and a bow.

And that’s probably a third reason to see Clue: Post-pandemic, it is a wonderful and almost therapeutic experience to sit in a packed theatre again; to laugh with 800 other patrons at something so outrageous and distracting that our social brokenness seems to mend, even if only temporarily.

The source for so much cathartic mirth? I accuse Mr. Garnhum, with a splendid cast, on the Spriet stage.

A co-production with the Royal Manitoba Theatre Centre
Based on the screenplay by Jonathan Lynn
Writter by Sandy Rustin
Directed by Dennis Garnhum
Based on the Paramount Pictures motion picture and the Hasbro board game
The Grand Theatre
London, Ontario
March 12-31, 2024
Running time: 90 minutes, no intermission
Tickets (nearly sold out) here

Clue knocks at the front door, offering mystery and mayhem

It’s a good thing the ensemble cast of Clue, opening Friday at the Grand Theatre, has performed this show nearly two dozen times on the same set audiences will see during its London run. Otherwise, it might have been an actor’s (and director’s) nightmare.

That haunting was averted this week when the complicated set, consisting of various rooms (as per the board game) finally arrived at the Grand’s loading docks. Until Tuesday, the cast had been forced to rely on their memory of the garish three-storey faux mansion from their work in it at the Royal Manitoba Theatre Centre, where it ran from mid-October to mid-November last year. Getting it to London involved some “transportation issues,” theatre officials said.

Clue, the play by American playwright Sandy Rustin, is based on Jonathan Lynn’s screenplay for the 1985 Paramount Pictures movie of the same name. Most of us, however, will relate to it simply as the stage version of the Hasbro board game.

The set of Clue, a co-production with the Royal Manitoba Theatre Centre, was designed in Winnipeg by Brian Perchaluk. Photo by Morris Lamont

Garnhum, who was artistic director at the Grand for seven years, handled the logistical wrinkle with all the aplomb that only a 56-year-old seasoned director of nearly 200 productions could offer. After all, he’s been solving problems and mysteries ever since he played Clue, the board game, as a child at his Boullee Street home in London more than four decades ago.

But back to the play itself. The main characters’ names are familiar to anyone who’s played the game: Colonel Mustard (Beau Dixon), Professor Plum (Derek Scott), Mr. Green (Toby Hughes), Mrs. Peacock (Sharon Bajer), Miss Scarlet (Reena Jolly) and Mrs. White (Petrina Bromley). Jesse Gervais plays Wadsworth, the Boddy Manor’s butler. Add in another fistful of actors in minor roles (Rosie Callaghan, Kamal Chioua, Alex Furber, Tracy Penner and Rosalie Tremblay) and this Clue ensemble is complete.

Colonel Mustard (Beau Dixon), Miss Scarlet (Reena Jolly), Mrs. White (Petrina Bromley), Mrs. Peacock (Sharon Bajer), Mr. Green (Toby Hughes) and Professor Plum (Derek Scott) demand explanations from Wadsworth (Jesse Gervais), the Boddy Manor’s butler, in the murder mystery Clue.

There’s already evidence that a good old-fashioned murder mystery will be a hit with the Grand’s patrons. Ticket sales are strong and an additional performance has been scheduled for March 31, Easter Sunday. The show may have been extended longer if not for a hard-stop on that date because of other theatre requirements.

The London Free Press’s advance story on the production is here. A review of the show will follow here on ArtsBeat soon after opening night.

A co-production with the Royal Manitoba Theatre Centre
Based on the screenplay by Jonathan Lynn
Writter by Sandy Rustin
Directed by Dennis Garnhum
Based on the Paramount Pictures motion picture and the Hasbro board game
The Grand Theatre
London, Ontario
March 12-31, 2024, with opening night March 15
Running time: 90 minutes, no intermission
Tickets here

One footnote: A new film version of Clue, directed by James Bobin, starring Ryan Reynolds and Jason Bateman, is currently in production.